Other damage and property

Your sensitive equipment protected, your productivity assured. 

Your machines and electrical equipment are essential to the smooth running of your business. With the “Other property damage” insurance policy, your investments are protected in the event of a claim (theft, fire, overturning, etc.). Your productivity is thus guaranteed.


Mandatory warranties

  • Material damage for which the insured capital corresponds to either :
    • A replacement value (pre-inserted in the contract)
    • A requirement for the corresponding equipment
  • Supplementary civil liability cover
  • Overtime, night work, work on Sundays and public holidays, high-speed transport ;
  • Strikes, riots and popular movements;
  • Neighboring property and civil liability;
  • Loss of

Optional benefits (non-mandatory) :

In addition to the basic guarantees we offer our customers a policy of more extensive guarantees such as :

  • Machinery and equipment for underground use ;
  • Conveyor belts and chains ;
  • Non-electrical wires and cables ;
  • Floodlight bulbs ;
  • Machine foundations ;
  • Gas turbines ;
  • Platinum press ;
  • Electric motors ;
  • Steam, water, gas turbines and turbo-

Who can subscribe?

Companies of all sizes.

Benefit from customized solutions and expert advice to support your company’s growth.

Construction risks

Get on with the job with complete peace of mind.

The Tous Risques Chantiers (All Risks) contract covers damage to construction and/or assembly works from the start of the works to the end of the maintenance period after provisional acceptance.

The main structures concerned are :

  • Building construction work ;
  • Construction of roads, bridges, dams and engineering structures;
  • Sanitation and water supply

Guarantees :

Mandatory warranties

  • Damage to the structure
  • Overtime
  • Night work and high-speed shipping
  • Additional costs for air travel
  • Expert fees
  • Third-party liability (TRC)
  • Additional warranties
  • Natural events (earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, cyclones, floods) ;
  • Construction equipment ;
  • Clearing and demolition

Optional benefits (non-mandatory) :

In addition to the basic guarantees we offer our customers a policy of more extensive guarantees such as :

  • Design errors ;
  • Limited maintenance ;
  • Maintenance visit ;
  • Extensive

Who can subscribe?

Design offices, building and civil engineering professionals, construction agencies, etc.

Technical Risks

The contract that protects your computer system.

Thanks to our “technical risks” cover, we can insure you against physical damage to your IT systems, while covering the cost of media reconstitution, software loss and additional operating costs.

Who can subscribe?

Companies and organizations of all sizes.

Multi Risques Professionnels

Essential coverage for your business.

The Professional Multi-risk policy is a comprehensive product that offers a single policy covering all the risks associated with your business and/or offices, as well as your inventory of goods and products.


Mandatory warranties

Buildings and their contents in :

  • Fire and fire-related events
  • Storms, hurricanes, waterspouts,
  • Expert fees
  • Deprivation of use
  • Indirect losses
  • Recourse by neighbors and third parties
  • Impact of a land motor vehicle

Additional warranties

  • Water damage (10 to 25% of fire capital).
  • Optional benefits (non-mandatory) :
  • Damage to electrical appliances
  • Insured property (appliances, machines, electronic or electric motors and their accessories, as well as unburied electrical conduits).
  • Glass breakage
  • Burglary
  • All IT risks
  • Expert fees
  • Civil liability related to professional

Who can subscribe?

Companies of all sizes.

Liability insurance

The contrat-quiétude, which covers damage to third parties.

As a company director, you have a large number of prerogatives and responsibilities focused primarily on developing and sustaining your business. But be careful, if you act in this way, you may incur civil or criminal liability.

Your company may be liable for bodily injury, property damage and/or consequential loss caused to third parties (customers, visitors, etc.) during the course of its activities. Business liability covers the financial consequences of such damage.

Who can subscribe?

Companies and organizations of all sizes.

Transport insurance

The contract that guarantees your goods, whatever the mode of transport.

Whether transported by land, sea or air, your goods deserve coverage that is commensurate with the risks you take on a daily basis in your business. Transport Insurance from AFG ASSUR IARDT BENIN gives you the peace of mind and the support you need to meet your specific profile.


Mandatory warranties

  • FAP except : Free of Particular Average except” covers damage and loss to goods resulting from any of the events listed in your This generally covers damage to goods during loading and unloading, as well as damage to cargo and the transport vehicle.

Additional warranties

  • Overtime, night work, work on Sundays and public holidays, high-speed transport ;
  • Flight extension ;
  • Non-delivery ;
  • Characteristic accidents in land and rail transport ;
  • Loading and unloading risks ;
  • Territorial extension (land faculties only).

Optional benefits (non-mandatory) :

  • Extended All Risks coverage: limited only to the risks expressly excluded in the

Who can subscribe?

Companies of all sizes, carriers, freight forwarding companies, etc.

Global bank insurance

The contract that secures your relationship with your bank. 

Global Banking Insurance compensates you for the pecuniary loss that you, as the insured, suffer as a result of the deterioration, destruction or total or partial disappearance (due to one or other of the “insured events” occurring during the term of the policy) of “valuables” belonging to you or entrusted to you in the course of your banking business.

Guarantees :

Mandatory basic benefits

  • All types of damage, subject to limitations (embezzlement, transportation of funds, entrusted property, etc.)

Additional basic benefits

  • Damage to movable and immovable property
  • Expert fees

Who can subscribe?

Users of banking services.

Join us now to benefit from all the advantages reserved for our individual customers.

School civil liability

Ensure that incidents are dealt with in and out of school. 

AFG ASSUR IARDT BENIN’s School Civil Liability policy provides compensation for damage caused by the insured to third parties, as well as for bodily injury sustained by the insured as a result of accidents in the school, extracurricular and commuting environments (school, excursions, field trips, internships, school sports).

Membership is valid until the day before the start of the new school year the following year. If the student moves to another school during the year, cover continues at the new school under the same conditions.


  • Civil liability: Coverage of the financial consequences of the insured’s civil liability for bodily injury, property damage and consequential loss caused to others (including other students and members of the school attended).
  • Criminal defense and recourse: Defense of the insured against civil liability. Claims against third parties for damage suffered by the insured.
  • Contractual indemnity: Payment of compensation in the event of an

Who can subscribe?

Parents or guardians of students.


Individual accident

With the Individual Accident policy from AFG ASSUR IARDT BENIN, you are covered against all risks of domestic or professional accident of unintentional origin, resulting from the sudden action of an external cause and leading either to death or bodily injury.


  • Accidental death ;
  • Total or partial disability resulting from an accident;
  • Temporary disability following an accident ;
  • Treatment costs following an

Who can subscribe?

Individual Accident Insurance is open to anyone aged 18 or over and 65 or over at the time of purchase, who is physically and mentally fit.

Individual health (SOHU)

Guarantee the coverage of your healthcare expenses.

Developed in partnership with the Association de Prévoyance Sociale du Bénin (APS Bénin) , for you, your teams and their families, AFG ASSUR IARDT BENIN’s Health Insurance has been designed to be the most reliable, scalable and innovative on the market.

It covers your healthcare expenses that are not covered by your compulsory health insurance scheme (Sécurité Sociale), and applies to the cost of medical, paramedical and pharmaceutical care following illness, maternity or accident.

Our major asset: our “tiers payants” card

  • Thanks to the biometric card associated with your policy, you can easily manage all your health insurance policies, and have access to a number of secure online management functions for your policy and beneficiaries.
  • Whether you’re a company, an insured person or the head of a family, it brings you security and speed in your health insurance procedures, and in your dealings with health service providers (health centers, analysis laboratories, pharmacies, imaging centers).
  • As an option, AFG ASSUR IARDT BENIN VIE offers “family contingency” A lump sum will be paid to the insured in the event of total and definitive disability, following an accident or illness, or to the beneficiaries following the insured’s death.

Guarantees :

Systematic warranties

  • Hospitalization: accommodation costs, treatment costs, medical and surgical
  • Routine medical care: visits to GPs and specialists, pharmacies,

Optional benefits

  • Dental, optical and maternity cover are optional, depending on the plan
  • Family contingency cover can be taken out as an option with health

Who can subscribe?

Can be taken out by anyone under the age of 65 (subject to acceptance by the insurer’s medical committee).

Comprehensive home insurance

Protect your home against all everyday risks.

Whether you’re a homeowner or a tenant, a comprehensive home insurance policy (contrat multirisque habitation – MRH) is the ideal solution for covering all household members, as well as property damage and bodily injury.

Multi-risk Home Insurance (MRH) is a comprehensive product offering a single policy covering the home, occupants’ property and the financial consequences of personal liability.

Your Multirisque Habitation policy protects you against all natural disasters or those caused by third parties.

Guarantees :

Basic warranties

  • Fire – Explosion – Lightning
  • Theft committed by forcible entry or under threat from inside the dwelling
  • Water damage
  • Home occupation responsibilities
  • Family and private responsibilities
  • Defense – Recourse
  • Travel stay

In the case of theft, cover is provided only if the minimum means of protection are respected, with the exception of hotel rooms.

Optional benefits :

They cover everyday risks that can have significant financial consequences.

  • Damage to electrical appliances: this covers electrical damage to electrical appliances;
  • Glass breakage: covers breakage of windows, glass and sanitary

Who can subscribe?

  • Homeowners, co-owners or tenants

Travel insurance

You’ll never be alone abroad again.

Atlantique Assurances Bénin travel insurance covers you against the consequences of incidents that may occur during your travels, trips and stays abroad.


Basic warranties

Subscribe and benefit from complete coverage in the event of :

  • Medical care and hospitalization ;
  • Repatriation assistance following an illness or accident on site ;
  • Civil liability abroad ;
  • Accidental death or disability ;
  • Premature return to the country of departure due to an emergency (previously declared in the contract).

Who can subscribe?

  • Anyone traveling

Car insurance

Automobile Insurance from AFG ASSUR IARDT BENIN covers bodily injury and property damage that the driver of a vehicle insured with AFG may cause to other road users and/or passengers in the vehicle.

Depending on the level of cover taken out, automobile insurance can also cover material damage to the insured vehicle and bodily injury to the driver of the vehicle.


  • Third-party liability: this is MANDATORY and covers bodily injury and property damage caused to other road users and/or passengers in your vehicle.

Complementary cover for third-party liability (defence-recours and driver protection or ”L’individuelle Chauffeur)

  • ECOWAS: The Carte Brune provides motorists with a full guarantee of prompt, fair and immediate compensation for any accident they may cause outside their usual territory of The cardholder is treated exactly as if the basic insurance policy were taken out with a company located in the country he or she is visiting or transiting. As the Carte Brune is recognized by government authorities, the motorist is exempt from all other formalities relating to third-party liability coverage.
  • Driver’s protection: This is a clause in the contract that covers the cost of the driver’s injuries or death, when the driver is responsible for the accident or no third party has been identified.

Optional benefits (not compulsory)

Extend your level of cover with optional warranties. They are optional, but can be very useful in securing and rebuilding your automotive investment. These coverages include

  • Glass breakage: This covers your windshield, rear window and side windows, and provides compensation in the event of a In some cases, glass breakage cover also extends to mirrors and headlights.
  • Theft: If you take out this cover, you’ll be compensated if your vehicle is Sounds logical, but it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. Because theft is a multi-faceted concept.
  • Fire: This optional coverage is useful when the vehicle covered by the insurance contract suffers damage due to fire or explosion. It may involve replacement if the car is completely destroyed, or repairs if the damage is partial and the burnt-out vehicle is
  • Collision damage: This coverage protects you in the event of a collision with an identified third party, and pays compensation for material damage to your vehicle. This optional auto cover can be interesting for third-party policyholders, as it extends your coverage in the event of an accident without increasing the cost of your car insurance too much.
  • All-accident damage, commonly known as “All Risks”: All-risk insurance is the most comprehensive and protective type of car It covers many types of car loss: accidents, theft, fire and glass breakage. It’s a highly protective formula that saves us a lot of financial trouble! While third-party insurance only covers third-party liability, comprehensive policies offer a very high level of cover. These cover not only the driver, but also the vehicle. Guaranteed maximum protection

Who can subscribe?

  • Any owner of a 4-wheeled vehicle (subject to vehicle age restrictions for certain coverages)

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Isabelle KPADE