Atlantique Assurances Bénin IARDT joins forces with La Protectrice Assurances to cover Special Risks in Benin

On 6 October 2023, a significant milestone in Benin’s insurance sector was celebrated in style at the Novotel in Cotonou. This memorable event marked the launch of new extensions to cover Special Risks, the result of a fruitful collaboration between two major players in the field: La Protectrice Assurances and Atlantique Assurances Bénin IARDT.

The atmosphere was convivial, with the presence of the directors of these two companies senior company executives, future policyholders and leading representatives from the insurance industry. The event opened with a stirring speech by the Chairman and CEO of La Protectrice Assurances, Mr José Kwassi SYMENOUH.

Ezéchiel SYMENOUH and Pascal SILIADIN then had the honour of unveiling and detailing the three new special cover extensions: Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Risks, Cyber Risks and Political Risks. These innovations promise to redefine the standards of insurance cover.

Mrs Florence AYIVI-ELEGBEDE, Managing Director of Atlantique Assurances IARDT Bénin, also took the floor to express her gratitude to the participants and to highlight the crucial importance of this partnership for the insurance sector in Benin. She underlined the unwavering commitment of both companies to providing the necessary support to their customers.

The warm and friendly ceremony ended with a memorable photo opportunity, followed by a sumptuous cocktail reception. The latter provided guests with an opportunity to exchange views and collectively celebrate this new milestone in the Benin insurance landscape.